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Terms and Conditions

Financial Security for You and Your Business

By completing the Purchase here at Business Cash Funds LLC, (“Client”) agree to the following Terms and Conditions:


Client agrees to pay Business Cash Funds a total of $2,888.00 if selecting the single payment option, or 3 payments of $1,200.00 (totaling $3,600.00) if selecting the payment plan option. Payment plan option users, will gain access to Advisor’s Platform, after ALL Payments have been Received by Business Cash Funds LLC! Business Cash Funds LLC, reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, whose Business Cash Funds sees as a treat to the Company.


The Access to Company’s Advisors and Support and Credit Builder Educational Platform and Business Credit Builder Program and is limited to ONE YEAR from the Initial Sign up!

Client’s access will be granted to the Business Credit Builder Educational Platform (funding suite) after the payment (or Two payments for payment plan have been paid) and the payments have been fully processed and approved. Client has Option to pay monthly payment or can Accelerate payments, by paying weekly, if Client chooses. If client choses to pay weekly, please send an email to to request an Invoice for weekly payment, as system is setup for monthly payment at this time only.


Client will receive an email with all access information after 3 business days have passed, after the payment or payments have been processed completely.


After client logs into the business credit builder program (finance suite) or calls in and obtains any information from an Advisor, the client will not be eligible for a cancellation or refund.

Payment Plan

If client selects the payment plan option the payments will be $1,200.00 per month with the first payment due immediately upon checkout, totaling $3,600.00. This will be considered paid in full after all payments are paid on the payment plan. Client will automatically be charged $1,200.00 per month until all 3 payments are made, to the Credit card submitted Initially, at checkout. Client can send new Credit Card information, if client sends email and asks to change Credit card. If and payment is late, the system will lock the client out, until after the payment expected is paid in full.

There will be a 15% LATE FEE applied on any payment that is declined for the recurring charges, and 10% Penalty for any payment that does not go through the first time, and every time after that. Client agrees to pay for all collection fees as well as all attorney fees, if there should be a need to take Legal action to collect fees.

1. For the payment plan, client understands that their initial payment will not provide them initial access to the Business Credit Builder (finance suite) and funding advisors. Client will be eligible for building client’s Business Credit and then can apply for credit Lines and or Trade Lines here as well, as part of the benefits offered. Client will have access after second payment has been paid and processed successfully, and client will lose access if the next payment is not made in time, and at that point, all additional fees, in addition to payment amount must be paid, in order to gain access again!

2. Client agrees to automatic charges for the payments until the payment plan is completed. Any changes to this agreement or any other payment arrangements must be discussed and agreed only between the Client and an accounts receivable manager or supervisor of Business Cash Funds. The agreement must be done and approved in writing to be valid. Verbal agreements are not considered valid. Any affiliates or 3rd party organizations providing services on behalf of Business Cash Funds do not have authorization to modify payment terms.

Please email for any payment arrangements. Payment arrangements are only valid if approved in writing. If no response is received or payment arrangement request is not agreed to by Accounts Receivable management, then client must adhere to initial agreement and payment schedule.

3. Client agrees to contact Business Cash Funds immediately with any concerns, at any time the Client believes they might not be able to make a payment. If client defaults on any payment, client is responsible to pay for all collection and court fees. Accounts in default will go to collections. If debt collection attempts are unsuccessful legal action will be taken.

4. Client understands that after client logs into the Business Credit Builder (finance suite) they will no longer be eligible for a refund.

5. In the case client does default on any payments, all access to Business Cash Funds and the Business Credit Builder (finance suite) will be terminated. The client will not have access to the finance suite, business credit coaches, funding advisors, and will lose access to the business credit and funding they may have already pre-qualified for. However, after making payments and paying all fees added, then Business Cash Funds, will reinstate the client’s account. Remember, this is a One Year Commitment, and if not paid on time, client will lose access. If client needs more time to complete their work, client can request more time, and based on the quality of the client’s relationship, Business Cash Funds, may honor more time for Client.

6. In the case of default by the client, the client will not be permitted to re-purchase this product in the future.


1. Client understands that they are purchasing an educational program and software as a service (online access) for the purpose of training on how to meet lending credibility standards, teaching them how to build business credit, and teaching them how to gain access to cash funding options. Client understands that, they might not be able to initially qualify for some, or any of the cash funding programs recommended through the Business Credit Builder Platform (finance suite).

2. Funding approval is based on factors such as collateral, revenue, financials, personal credit, and business credit quality.

3. Clients with lower consumer credit scores, no business credit scores, and no business collateral will not typically qualify initially for funding. Clients with legitimate business collateral and/or good personal or business credit have a better chance of securing initial funding, but still cannot be guaranteed they will be approved for initial funding.

4. Client understands they are purchasing access to an educational program that will teach them steps that they will need to implement. Any recommendations contained within the program are not a guarantee of financing or credit worthiness. It is the responsibility of the Client to apply what they have learned and take action to build a solid business foundation and have a successful business.


1. There are many services provided by the Business Credit Builder Educational Program (Finance Suite) business advisors which include:

(i) Performing a corporate compliance and documentation review of Client and Client’s Business. The scope and purpose of the corporate compliance and documentation review is to help prepare the Client to apply for business credit and attempt to maximize the possibility of success in obtaining business credit and for no other legal or business purpose;

(ii) Establishing a Dunn & Bradstreet file and establish a Dunn & Bradstreet rating;

(iii) Building a Dunn & Bradstreet PAYDEX score;

(iv) Establishing a business credit file with Experian’s corporate department;

(v) Obtaining an Experian Intelliscore number;

(vi) Creating a business credit file with Equifax’s business department;

(vii) Providing Client with a non-comprehensive list of trade accounts that may or may not report to business credit bureaus, including Dunn & Bradstreet, Experian’s corporate department and Equifax’s business department;

(viii) Creating a Business Credit Asset that can be used for business financing opportunities; or (ix) Obtaining access to a dedicated funding advisor that is provided by Business Cash Funds and/or its affiliates and/or assigns for a five (5) year period beginning as of the date of this Agreement between Business Cash Funds and Client.


1. By purchasing, client will be assigned an advisor. Advisor agrees that he/she will handle Client’s business hereunder in a strictly professional and ethical manner, utilizing its best efforts and skill on behalf of Client; Advisor has made no guarantee that client will obtain a particular business credit score or guarantee regarding a specific cash dollar amount of credit a client will obtain. Advisors will handle all inquiries on a first come first serve basis. If an advisor is not immediately available the advisor will contact you after they have completed their sessions with clients who have called ahead of you. All expressions made by Advisor relative to the matters discussed in this Paragraph previous or following the execution of this Agreement by the Client are the Advisor’s sincere opinion only. However, if the Client has not been extended at least $50,000 in TOTAL credit (any combination of vendor credit, trade credit, equipment lease, vehicle lease, loans, lines of credit, credit cards, real estate pre-approvals, etc), Client may elect at any time to receive an additional twelve (12) months of advising from the Advisor, as long as client has followed and applied all the client has been thought to build up client’s business.


1. The Client agrees and understands that all funding obtained for lending sources will have a cost involved. These costs are standard lender fees and might include processing fees, points, APRs, interest rates, discounts, and other standard fees commonly associated with borrowing money. These fees are not charged by the Business Finance Suite team, but the lender themselves. The Business Finance Suite finance officers search to find the best, and most affordable terms each client might qualify for.

Client does receive many free items as part of their enrollment with the Business Finance Suite, including access to their Experian Smart Business data, information on obtaining a free DUNS number and credit profile activation from Dun and Bradstreet, and no-cost listing with 411.

2. Client may incur additional costs and spend additional monies on services they elect to receive in the finance suite. These are elective costs for services that might not be required, and include but are not limited to:

(i) Dunn & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax full credit monitoring;

(ii) Trade account set up costs;

(iii) Trade account vendor product purchase costs

(iv) Various state filing costs;

(v) Various business license costs;

(vi) Business phone set up or other phone-related costs;

(vii) Personal and/or business credit report costs;

(viii) Bank fees and costs associated with financing, such as, but not limited to closing costs, application fees, or broker fees.

(ix) Other fees and/or costs that are customary to the general practice of business.


Client acknowledges that by completing the purchase and entering their First and Last Name in the Terms and Conditions Acceptance on the order form, they have read and agree to these terms and conditions.

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